Community Preschool

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Exploring Light and Dark

This time of year in Massachusetts, we are seeing the first snowfalls and the weather is suddenly colder.  Despite the temperature, and the brighter mornings, sunset happens before bedtime.  Preschoolers notice these changes and the way that ice or snow makes the world around us so different from day to day. As children bring their observations to school ("I saw the moon before bed!"  "The snow was so bright!"), we bring exploration of light and dark into our curriculum.  

We read books about night and are inspired by the ideas.  We get out flashlights!  We try our hands at illustrations made only with black, white and yellow paper

Using sensory materials we continue to explore: cornstarch, liquid watercolor, black and clear stones, and water.

When we dim the classroom lights, the light tables and shadow puppets come alive! 


Simple materials inspire our imaginations when we make black and white creatures: pompoms, feathers, black and white model magic. 

Make your own shadow puppet!