Our Location

We are located in the heart of bustling Union Square, diagonally across the street from Market Basket.  Our school is a spacious and light-filled space with many areas to explore.  Check out our loft, our science center, our block and meeting space. Our dramatic play area is right next to our stage, with instruments to try out.  We have an enormous easel for painting, and water and sensory tables invite children to dig in.  One of our classrooms is set up for gross motor movement and play.  Would you like to come visit our school?  Contact us to set up a tour or find out about an open house.  

Our Schedule

Community Preschool is open during the school year, Monday through Friday, 8:00 AM to 2:30 PM, September to June.   An early pick-up is available for families who would prefer a shorter school day.  

Each school day provides ample time for children to play.  In the early morning, our welcome includes reading, sensory experiences, tabletop choices (and a space for breakfast for children who bring in breakfast food).  Next, dramatic play and blocks open for free play and then morning choice time begins.  At 9:30, we gather for morning meeting, and then read stories and have snack.  After snack, we spend time outdoors in our beautiful local parks.  When we return, we are hungry for lunch!  After lunch, we rest during quiet time, and then gather again before we say goodbye.